Marketing trends emerge on an almost daily basis. Most marketers are constantly tweaking campaigns and altering strategies to take advantage of innovative advances in technology. Just when you think you have the perfect strategy in place, Google, YouTube, or Facebook change their algorithm.
Here are top marketing trends to take into 2018:
Video marketing will continue to be a top strategy in 2018. Around 75% of all internet traffic during 2017 was video, so look for a more focused shift in 2018. Reports find that people watch live streams 3 times longer than prerecorded video, which means more live streaming will take place. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat will need to improve feed quality and add more interactive features to capitalize on this trend.
Mobile video is even hotter in 2018. Recode predicts mobile video ad spend will increase by 49% in 2018. Video viewers will watch more video on phones and tablets compared to laptops and computers. According to the same report, the average person will watch 36 minutes of video on a mobile device each day, while only watching 19 minutes on a computer.
Artificial intelligence (AI)
When you consider the prevalence of big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence , the way we market will undoubtedly change in the future. One way is through highly customized content that focuses on personas and lifestyles. Starting your own AI strategy can be expensive and difficult thanks to a lack of individuals with necessary skills. A large AI investment can pay off, however. According to Salesforce, of those using AI already, 57% say it is absolutely or very essential in increasing touch points with their customers and prospects. Salesforce also predicts that AI use will grow by 53% over the next two years.
Chatbots are revolutionizing the way we do customer support, and marketing strategies will need to include chatbots in 2018. Gartner estimates that 85% of all interactions will be with chatbots by 2020. Use chatbots to help drive customer engagement and faster conversions as they can more quickly answer questions or offer suggestions. Your target audience will expect chatbots from most companies soon.
Contrary to popular thinking, micro-influencers are better at getting a response from their loyal following than macro influencers. Micro influencers have a following between 1,000 and 100,000 individuals, and a significant 90% of consumers trust peer recommendations. Since only 33% of consumers trust ads, add courting micro influencers to your marketing strategies in 2018.
Interactive blogs
Look for ways to interact with customers and prospects through your company’s blog. More companies will take control of their blogs to cultivate a following and to create discussions. Consider how you can use company updates, customer stories, and guest blog posts to engage with your audience and create interactions that help you get closer to prospects and customers.
Viral content
Viral content needs a separate section from blog posts because of the benefits of content going viral. If you can create or find creative, engaging, and unique content that is viral worthy, you will see brand awareness and revenues increase. Now, if it were only easy to create vital content, more marketers would be celebrating. Keep trying to create or find content that is authentic, relevant, and even funny or witty and hope something goes viral in 2018.
Explainer videos
Explainer videos are short, very pointed videos explaining your company and its products or service. Rather than present written content that may be open to interpretation, an explainer video has visual elements that help your customers and prospects immediately grasp your meaning in a shorter time. According to, your target audience is 4 times more likely to watch an explainer video than to read the text. One area where explainer videos are skyrocketing is the Healthcare Industry. Animated videos can communicate complicated health issues better than most doctors.
Final thoughts
Watch for these trends with one eye in 2018 while the other is on the lookout for emerging technology. The likelihood that new, innovative technology will sweep the marketing landscape in 2018 is high. Also, stay nimble and prepared to change directions when giants like Google and Facebook makes changes that affect your strategies.
If rapid technology development leaves you short of breath and wondering where to start, consider a digital marketing firm with proven results. Look for a forward-thinking marketing agency willing to explore, invest, experiment, and adapt marketing strategies to stay abreast and ahead.
Ready to take advantage of these marketing trends? Contact KEO Marketing for a complimentary marketing audit.