Build Brand Awareness and Preference for your Products

Inbound Marketing for
B2B Companies

Business-to-business (B2B) buyers research products and services in-depth before contacting a sales person. By providing useful and valuable content for the researcher, your company can build brand recognition, credibility and preference for your products.

How Effective Is
B2B Inbound Marketing?

92.3 percent of the companies that adopted an inbound marketing strategy showed an increase in website traffic. 40 percent of them saw an increase of at least 75 percent. Inbound marketing for B2B companies is an imperative for lead generation.

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What Are The Benefits of Having
an Effective Inbound Marketing Strategy?

  • More highly qualified prospects connecting through your website
  • Improvement in search engine rankings
  • Increased referral traffic
  • Expanded brand visibility through content distribution and sharing
  • More qualified sales leads
  • Increased sales and revenue
  • Lower cost per lead compared to outbound marketing


What Our Clients Say

I have found the KEO Marketing gang to be knowledgeable, fun to work with and results driven. Now if only we had more time to be that way.

Chris Anding

Digital Marketing Director, Avnet Technology Solutions