Many people think email marketing is dead and has been displaced by “modern” tactics such as text messaging, social media videos, and podcasts. However, they are “dead” wrong because email is still a dominant marketing channel for B2B Marketing.
According to Forbes, email marketing delivers a $42 return on investment (ROI) for every dollar spent– the highest of all marketing channels. And industry experts at Statista predict email marketing revenue will reach almost 11 billion by the end of 2023.
A 2022 marketing study by Knak asserts that email marketing is more effective than ever. Results show that 71% of survey respondents say they sent more emails in 2021 than the previous year and that clickthrough rates increased to an average of 10% from 4.4% in 2020.
These are some email marketing trends cited by the study and other trends industry experts say you can expect to see in the future.
Organizations Need Help Building Email Campaigns
Many people find setting up and managing email campaigns overwhelming because they are under pressure to execute multiple campaigns quickly. There is also an art to building them. It can be confusing to decide what kind of content to include in each part of the email journey, and you also need to design each email message and determine who the target audience should be.
Only 12% of marketing teams hand-code emails. Most marketers–56%, said using templates makes the job easier. However, it is still challenging to add responsive elements, incorporate specific requests and conduct A/B testing.
Many organizations opt to work with a marketing agency that understands their industry. They know they can be assured that their email campaigns will target the right audiences, send the right message, and promote the right image for their brand.
The Mechanics Need to Be Right
There is much more involved with creating a successful email campaign than designing attractive templates and writing content that resonates with your target audiences.
You should separate your email marketing into cold (never before touched) and warm (previously contacted) contacts. These campaigns should be delivered with different messaging, different frequencies and even different platforms.
Depending on where recipients are located, you may need to comply with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) to ensure you have permission to contact them. These regulations change constantly and can be difficult to monitor.
Your email templates must be mobile-friendly because over 60% of email campaign messages are read on a smartphone. If an email message is not mobile-friendly, recipients will delete it immediately because it is too difficult to read. This will increase your bounce rate and dilute the effectiveness of your campaign.
A top marketing agency is knowledgeable about GDPR “do’s and don’ts” and is on top of the latest mobile design techniques and best practices. Working with one will ensure you get maximum impact from your email campaigns.
Marketing Teams Are Becoming More Decentralized
In the past, marketing controlled the email campaign process because team members were centralized, and marketing “owned” most of the content produced. However, that is changing.
As companies scale and departments and products grow, it is common to see marketing teams organized by product group and vertical market. Some organizations have adopted a hybrid model where the individual teams develop some campaign components, and the corporate marketing group develops others.
When more people are involved in the email design and content creation process, it increases the risk of messaging being off-target and the design not matching other materials. You can prevent these problems and maintain brand consistency by working with a marketing agency that will facilitate collaboration across all these groups.
Landing Page Use is Increasing
Landing pages and website funnels are an excellent way to improve email campaign performance and increase conversion rates. They also offer an excellent way to try out different messaging (A/B testing) and promote new products and services.
To be effective, a landing page must complement an email campaign. Since its purpose is to convert prospects to leads, your design and messaging elements must be spot on.
In-house marketing groups do not always have access to development and design resources. Working with a top marketing agency ensures you always have the resources to create top-quality landing pages quickly and efficiently.
Time-to-Market is Accelerating
A common and important metric for many campaigns is time-to-market. This means your processes need to be efficient if you want to stay relevant and deliver exciting content.
Some issues that slow execution are campaign building, approval times and cycles, editing, and collaboration. Some respondents said they could create email campaigns and landing pages in a few hours. However, almost 80% of the teams said their email campaign creation process is inefficient, and they lack the right tools.
Top marketing agencies have the resources and expertise to build, launch and manage email campaigns, create top-quality landing pages and track results.
The Future of Email
Are you wondering what all this means for the future of email marketing? You can expect to see more personalized email campaigns sent out with faster campaign times. This means you must work with a top agency such as KEO Marketing to create personalized, interactive campaigns that support your sales efforts and cut through all the market “noise” and grab prospects’ attention. Combining these emails with LinkedIn outreach and retargeting ads will increase the number of touches your communications have with prospects. These are key strategies for your Account Based Marketing efforts.
There are 4 billion email users, and 99% of them check messages at least once daily. Contact us to learn how we can help you capture them as leads and influencers.