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Inbound Marketing Trends for 2018

Inbound marketing trends can change as quickly as Google changes its algorithm – nearly 500 times per year. This makes it harder to stay out in front of your competition. What works one day may not work the next, but you still need inbound marketing to grow your business. Inbound marketing is the process of…

Sheila Kloefkorn of KEO Marketing Delivers “Top Technology Trends for 2018”

KEO Marketing, an award-winning business-to-business marketing agency, announced that CEO and president Sheila Kloefkorn will share her insight into the year’s latest technology trends, as well as findings from a meeting of international tech industry leaders during this month’s Arizona Technology Council Lunch & Learn. The meeting, titled “Top Technology Trends for 2018,” will take…

Web Design Trends for 2018

What are some signs that it might be time for a mobile responsive web design in 2018? At KEO Marketing, we ground our expertise and experience in responsive web design services for a wide range of clients. For this article, our experts culled the design issues we see most often. The following points out why…

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