Author: Emina Karic

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Trends in Video Marketing

Video marketing has always had an advantage over most other forms of media because of it’s ability to appeal to sight, sound, motion, and emotion.  No other medium can entice the senses as well. With the ease of access consumers now have to video online, marketers are using that advantage in remarkable, and useful, ways….

Cost Per Experiment: Your New Go-To Metric for Effective Marketing

The next time you hear about a billion-dollar IPO remember this: all great business innovations start with a proof of concept. The world is changing at an ever-accelerating rate.  This pace of change necessitates being agile and experimenting to find new solutions. Jeff Bezos likes to say, “Our success at Amazon is a function of…

Targeting Strategies: Need to Get Contextual

Because of the implementation of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in May 2018, contextual targeting strategies are better suited to help you target user behaviors. Rather than target an audience, contextual targeting strategies make it mandatory for advertisers to understand the context of each web page. This will enhance targeting and brand safety. What Is…

Personalizing Your Sales Funnel

For marketing techniques, no single fix will accomplish everything you need. No simple change will help you find new customers, sell your product or service, and nurture current customers to keep them satisfied. If you’re looking for that one technique that will achieve the golden ticket, you are better off focusing on your entire sales…

Normalization of Digital Assistance

Google reports that voice searches comprise 20% of its mobile queries. And that number is rising. For the 2017 holiday season, Amazon’s best-selling item was its Alexa digital assistant device. As consumers move towards using intelligent digital assistants (IDAs) like Alexa, Siri, and other smart devices, B2B companies need to rethink their digital marketing strategies…

Driving Leads with Professional Live Video

Forbes magazine’s How Digital Marketing Will Change in 2018 reports that video is a hot trend this year but not just any video—professional live video. Gone are the days of marketers making a shaky video with their smartphone. Users today expect professional live video that speaks directly to their wants and needs. Vidyard released its…

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